
Tome of Summoning: The All-In-One 5e Reference System

Created by Tome of Summoning

A beautifully illustrated reference system of creatures and NPCs to streamline your DnD 5e game. * Shipping only US and Canada

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Monsters of Murka!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 05:07:27 PM

Hey everyone! Our friends over at Action Fiction are making a jam-packed expansion to their hilarious DnD 5e core book; Monsters of Murka: Restaurants and Retail!

This is a full, 200+ page expansion for the greatest United States pop-culture parody setting ever written with 15 new subclasses (with at least one for every class), a new epic boon, and hundreds of new items, monsters, and spells, balanced for use in and out of the world of Murka!

Their campaign is in its final stretch, so if you want to explore the dungeonesque reaches of Walmoria or the bewildering corridors of The Hall of Murka, check out their Kickstarter and show them the same support you’ve shown us!

Monsters of Murca Kickstarter

Stretch Goal Unlocked: Gargantuan Mimic!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 04:16:42 AM

We hit our $130k stretch goal and… wait why is my hand stuck to it? Oh no.. that’s no stretch goal… it’s a: 


Thank you to all our backers for helping us pick this final creature to round out Core Pack Vol. 2! Our next stretch goal will unlock an Add-on for reference cards only packs for those of you who already have an army of miniatures or play in the ‘Theater of the Mind’.

Backer's Choice: Creature Survey 6!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 08:21:44 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Stretch Goal Unlocked: Vampire Spawn & Dragonborn Supplicant + Deck of Stories!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 05, 2020 at 12:04:43 AM

You guys see that? It was our $120k milestone flying by! All thanks to you! And for that, I'm pleased to announce our winners of the next Backer's Choice creature unlock:

Vampire Spawn and Dragonborn Supplicant!

We got one more creature spot reserved for your next Backer's Choice creature, so keep an eye out for the backers-only survey and choose wisely! And don't forget the big $150k pack unlock coming up!

Deck of Stories

We also wanted to take a moment to introduce our good friends over at Deck of Stories, making a brand new storytelling tool in the DM's arsenal!

The Deck of Stories is a collection of interesting and captivating game hooks for you to use in your home game. The cards work together to make unique story arcs perfect for anyone trying to make a One-shot or write the next part of their campaign. Also availble are their NPC Cards, a collection of Pre-generated beautifully illustrated characters for you to use in your game. Each NPC has a handful of traits that help define the character, yet still keep their background vague enough for them to be cast in any role. They could be a Noble, a Bartender, a Bandit. You name it!

If you're looking for a little bardic inspiration in your next game, check out the Deck of Stories Here!

Backer's Choice: Creature Survey Number 5
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 10:05:59 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.