
Tome of Summoning: The All-In-One 5e Reference System

Created by Tome of Summoning

A beautifully illustrated reference system of creatures and NPCs to streamline your DnD 5e game. * Shipping only US and Canada

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal Unlocked: Gorgon and Dire Harpy + Something Special!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 12:55:32 PM

Lee and Nayan: “OMG we hit $100k! This is incredible!”

Our Backers: “Hold my beer…”

You all are an incredible bunch of backers. Did you know that? That’s why we asked you what we should put in our Core Pack Vol. 2, and your answer is:

Gorgon and Dire Harpy!

We got another Backer’s Choice for you, but we know you’ll knock it out of the park as usual. Keep an eye out for that backers-only survey!

Okay, we can't hold it in anymore. CORE PACK VOL. 3 WILL BE UNLOCKED AT $150k! It feels so good to get that off my chest...

Beef up your pledges, spread the word, and help us burn through this final week!

1,000 Backers + The Red Opera!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 11:20:32 PM

Lee here! Nayan and I are deeply humbled and incredibly excited by the overwhelming support of our backers! So we want to say a very special thank you to this incredible group of people who saw our dreams and raised us up to make them come true! Each and every one of you is important to us!

We also want to take a moment to tell you guys about our friends over at Apotheosis Studios and their awesome 5th Edition Campaign; The Red Opera! This player-driven campaign fits within any existing campaign world and is packed with multiple endings, side quests, a tragic story, and even an epic official soundtrack for extra immersion!

The visuals on their preview page alone is a sight to behold, let alone the wealth of content they’re making! The campaign is in it’s final 24 hours, so head over to their Kickstarter page and show them the same support you’ve shown us!

Backer's Choice: Creature Survey Number 4
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 04:46:22 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Stretch Goal Unlocked: Core Pack Vol. 2!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 12:16:24 AM

It’s here! The moment you’ve all been waiting for! I present to you:


This $100,000 milestone is an incredible achievement and we owe it all to our wonderful backers! Thank you for being on this journey with us! Now your Tome of Summoning is a little fuller and a lot more deadly!

If you’d like to add this pack to your rewards, just increase your pledge by $40 and you’ll be able to choose the specific pack in the pledge manager after the Kickstarter campaign.

Our next stretch goal starts the upgrade process for the Core Pack Vol.2 with another Backer’s Choice creature addition! Make your mark on this new addition by filling out the upcoming backers-only survey!

Stretch Goal Unlocked: Worg and Archdruid + Check Out Loot Tavern!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 12:02:29 AM

Another one bites the dust! You all helped us pick out these next creatures, which are:

The Worg and Archdruid!

Can you feel the excitement? A whole new pack is coming! Our next stretch goal is going to be huge and we need your help to reach it! Help us by spreading the word, or by increasing your pledge to include this new pack! When you pledge for it, you help make it real!

D&D D20 Class Pins

We also wanted to take a moment to tell you about our friends Max and Mo over at Loot Tavern and their D&D D20 Class Pin Kickstarter! They’ve got an enamel pin for each D&D class that comes with a card with their 5th-edition mechanics. Wear the pin IRL and on your character in game and give them minor class-specific boons! Like a pin for your bard that allows their inspiration die to roll with advantage, AND shower the user in confetti and underwear! 

They’re getting close to their next stretch goal: a community-chosen design! So check out their Kickstarter and snag yourself a pin or two, or all of them!